Saturday, August 09, 2003
Friday, August 08, 2003
The ICC is hiring a Front Desk Assistant
10 hours/week [@] $9/hour
starting Sept. 2
send [your] resume to: sheilagm@umich.edu [The ICC General Manager]
or drop it off at the ICC office [which is at 337 E William St.]
Mich House is Full For Fall
Thanks Keegan. The Vote is finished. Esther has been voted in for Fall/Winter, and as soon as she signs her contract, Mich House is FULL for Fall term.
Wall Vote
Esther is one vote away from being voted in as a non-student for fall/winter. Please put up your vote. The wall vote is up in the dining room. You DO love Esther, no?
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Mich House Meeting minutes for 1st July, 2003, as taken by Cyrus Kholdani
Present and Accounted for:
Chris Gorski, Valerie, Esther, Erick, Hannah, Eric, Keegan, Chubbell, Megan, Molle, Matt, Ben, Glenn, Cyrus, ZaZa, Natasha, Kathrin, Caitlin, Sat, Bethany, Adam
-Turn off oven when not in use.
-Soccer tomorrow (probably not anymore)
-Wilco concert tomorrow (ditto)
-Spend the weekend at Becky Utechs for the 5th of July (again, not likely anymore)
-Mich Haus to purchase speakers (this has happened, of course)
Officer Reports:
Treasurer: Alls well now. Should we still get the Onion? Are their better deals on the N.Y. Times?
Maintenance: New tables will arrive in 4-6 weeks (they have arrived). Mixer wil be chained to wall. Mt. Olympus needs a colostomy bag shower w/ care.
Chorus: He that we last as Thurn and Taxis knew / Now recks no lord but the stilletos thorn,/ And tacit lies the gold once-knotted horn.
Sin Steward: Cans were stolen. Otherwise, things are going smoothly.
Outdoor Maintainer: Please, no beer bottles in the backyard.
Work Manager: My apologies.
Secretary: Nothing to report.
Motion: Reimburse Satadru Pramanik $100 for noise violation. Reimbursed.
Discussion: Officer for alumni reporter. Luke-warm response.
Boarding Discussion: Weve had these before. Essentially, we will continue to purchase the necessities, for any further (drastic) changes will be difficult.
Secretary (2 cr.): Me. I DID forward mail, but I was slow off the mark when it came to the minutes.
Ordering Steward/Kitchen Tsarina (4 cr.): Caitlin wins and Valerie balks her nomination.
Sin Steward (3 cr.): Adam, ala Clinton, takes on term #2.
Maintenance (2 x 4 cr.): Mollie and Chris Gorski
Outdoor Maintenance (3 cr.):
Nominees: Keegan, Matt B., Hannah (who eventually steps down). Keegan triumphant.
Is it true that women experience sex on an emotional level as well?
Treasurer (4 cr.):
Nominees: Erick and Valerie. Valerie, irresponsible and inexperienced, is cast aside. Erick wins.
Work Manager (4 cr.): Eric Devin.
Flight Attendants (2 x 1 cr.):
Nominees: Kathrin, Matt B., Hannah, Adam.
Kathrin and Adam victorious.
-Scott Zitrick revealing himself?
-Caitlins fear of snakes?
I apologize for the delay. The actual minutes are right in front of me, cartoon and anecdote-laden, they are a marvel. Alas, this is all I could do, 650 miles away and unstuck in time.
Monday, August 04, 2003
Proposal for tomorrow's meeting
Mollie Wimsatt Bench Cushion Reimbursement Proposal
Proposal: To reimburse Mollie Wimsatt for some of the bench cushion materials that she lost the receipt for.
Foam = $24.99/yard x 2.65 Yards = 66.29
Piping = $3.99/yard x 4 yards = 15.96
Needles = $2.59
tax x1.06
Submitted by Mollie Wimsatt, Aug 4, 2003
Mich House Meeting 5.8.2003 Agenda
The LAST mich house meeting of the summer
Tuesday August 5, 2003, 6:30pm
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
Officer Reports
Bob Zimmerman non-student approval
August Secretary Election
Outside Boarders Discussion
Differential Pricing Discussion
Moveout announcements
Estimated total time:
Please get all excuses to me, Mich Room 5 by 6am Tuesday morning. The penalties for missing this meeting will be significant (think Keegan after several bottles of the finest in malt liquor, a wiffle bat, and kittens.)
Sunday, August 03, 2003
hello house.
hello porch with swing.
hello sketchy couches that certain people (cough mollie) won't sit on.
hello beer machine.
(an excerpt from hello michhouse, the upcoming sequel to goodnight moon)